google(Google rewrites original title for better readability and SEO)


Google has been the go-to search engine for billions of people worldwide for over a decade. Its algorithm is constantly evolving, and as such, the rules of search engine optimization (SEO) are also ever-changing. One of the most recent changes that Google has made is the way it handles titles. In this article, we will explore how Google rewrites the original title for better readability and SEO.

What is Google's Title Rewrite?

google(Google rewrites original title for better readability and SEO)

Google's title rewrite is a feature that changes the title of a web page in search results to provide better readability. It does this by removing unnecessary characters, such as pipes and dashes, and replacing them with spaces. Google also adds branding to the title to help users identify the website they are clicking on.

For example, if the original title of a web page is "Small Business Loans | Affordable Rates - ABC Finance," Google may rewrite it as "ABC Finance - Small Business Loans at Affordable Rates." The new title is more concise, easier to read, and includes branding.

Why Did Google Introduce This Change?

Google introduced this change to provide users with better search results. The rewritten titles are easier to read and understand, making it easier for users to find what they are looking for. The change also helps websites improve their SEO by including necessary keywords in the title that may have been missing from the original.

This change has been met with mixed reactions from website owners. Some believe that Google's title rewrite can negatively impact click-through rates since the rewritten titles may not accurately reflect the content of the page. However, Google claims that its data shows that this is not the case.

How Does This Impact SEO?

While Google's title rewrite may impact the appearance of titles in search results, it does not affect the content or ranking of the web page itself. Site owners can still optimize their titles for SEO by including relevant keywords and making them concise and compelling.

In fact, the rewritten titles often include keywords that were missing from the original, which may improve the page's ranking in search results. The branding added to the rewritten title also helps to increase brand recognition.


Google's title rewrite is a change that aims to improve the readability of search results for users. While some website owners may be concerned about the impact on click-through rates, the change ultimately benefits both users and site owners. By including necessary keywords in rewritten titles, the SEO of a web page can improve, and the branding helps increase brand recognition. Therefore, website owners should embrace this change and continue to optimize their titles for SEO.



